Wednesday, April 22, 2009

All That Stuff

This morning I'm taking Barb to see our family doctor. She's had a head cold since Thursday and we're working under orders from her Mom to get to the doctor if she still doesn't feel right by today.

It's been your typical head cold, but without antibiotics she might not be able to beat it. And it has strung along now long enough.

It's quite a switch for me to play the supporting role to my spouse at the doctor's office. It's usually the other way around with Barb supporting me. I'm going to make sure to keep the focus on Barb, and not allow this to turn into my appointment. Our family doctor is terrific and I'm sure he'll handle us both in there at once very well.

I'm feeling a little better this morning than I had the past two-days. I'm trying to figure out the magic formula of diet, exercise, activity, and medicines that will get me through each day in the best form. It's tough balancing out all of these very strong drugs, each which has the strength to completely alter your body chemistry. I don't think my body is too fond of all of the constant changes and evolutions it's asked to go through as well.

It's a rollercoaster ride. And I'm not a big rollercoaster fan, especially if there are loops. When you're 6-foot four-inches tall, you don't do loops, or flips, or circles. It's just not a good mix.

My Dad just wants to break out of Spang Crest and go home. His physical condition continues to improve. The doctor now believes, based on a recent scan of his brain, that he may have had a second small stroke in the same location of his first small stroke two-years ago. They're trying to look iinto the causes behind his increased confusion and dementia.

The doctor has also stated that my Dad should stay in supervised care for a number of weeks yet before going back home. He's not the only one who wants him to be home. We all want him to be able to return home. Everyone is doing everything we can to try to help him get there.

So, if anyone is driving along Route 422 and happens to see a man in a wheelchair that looks like my father, wheeling himself in the direction of Myerstown, please stop and pick him up and return him to Spang Crest.

His urge to return home is strong. I can't blame him. I'd feel the same way.

We just have to make him understand the goals that must be achieved for him to be able to get back home. Then hopefully get him focused on achieving those goals. I'm confident he can obtain those goals if he can truly understand what they are.

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