Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Twinkle in the Eye

I enjoy my own stupidity. Sometimes I'll do things so dumb I really just can't help but to laugh.

That's us - the human race.

Our genius sometimes is simply remarkable, from the Great Pyramids to Hoover Dam. And our stupidity sometimes...well...

Did you ever notice that when someone gets a a good whiff of something and says, "Oooh, that stinks!" The first thing everyone does is take a big sniff too?

We can't help ourselves.

When a waitress brings a plate to our table and says, "Please be careful that plate is hot." What do we do? We touch it. We need to know exactly how hot it is.

It makes me laugh. I enjoy studying our own humanity.

It's important to smile. It's important to be able to laugh at yourself. Happiness is precious.

I went bowling once (I was really bored), and a gal went to take her turn. She had her steps down, pulled the bowling ball slowly back, then suddenly the bowling ball slipped from her hand, flew one-foot straight up into the air and plopped with a mighty crash to the floor.

She was humiliated.

I was laughing so hard. Oops.

Quite frankly, I wish I had been the one to let the bowling ball slip. I didn't mean to laugh at her or make her feel bad. I was enjoying our humanity.

Life can be crazy. Life can be sad. Life can be stressful. There will always be highs and lows, hills and valleys. I've always liked the idea of smiling through as much of it as possible, laughing out loud even.

I had a friend growing up that had such a big, belly laugh. I was jealous. His laugh was contagious. Once he started rolling everyone would be smiling and laughing with him. Everyone should have a great laugher around them I think.

Right now the Christmas tree is making me smile. It's perfect.

And as I walk toward the tree in my giant bear paw slippers, the slippers bring me a broad smile too.

Sure, fighting cancer can be tough, life in general can be tough, but I'm doing it in giant bear paw slippers...and you can't make me take them off. (smile)

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