Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Turning My Luck Around

I've had a bit of an unlucky week so far. Just one of those things. Life isn't perfect. No big deal.

I already had enough pain in the hip from the cancer eating through my bone. But, of course, then I had to "tweak" my lower back by carrying some boxes of Christmas decorations up from the basement.

I'm a big, dumb, monkey man. What can I tell 'ya?

Plus this is the first time in some 19-months that I haven't been on some type of chemo. It's putting my body through a transition of sorts. All of the muscle mass that has disappeared on chemo is trying to recover and rebuild. Of course it doesn't happen overnight. And of course that kind of metamorphosis comes with some growing pains.

There's also some weird bump on the back of my head. The doctor didn't look at it very long because he was focused on so many other things. But when he called a couple of days later we asked him about it and he said he thought it might be some kind of wart.

Wart? all just adds up to a lot of aches and pains for me this week. I feel pretty beat up like I was in one nasty alley fight.

It makes it difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep in. If I roll slightly onto my left hip, with my right leg pulled up slightly, and my right arm draped over my chest, I'm comfy. Any other position - forget about it.

To top it off, I started taking some steroids yesterday that the doctor prescribed to help build some weight back up. It was a bad move. One of the main side effects of the steroids is sleeplessness.

I didn't sleep at all last night.

It's goodbye to the steroids.

So I'm sore all over. I'm running on no sleep. And if this blog makes any sense at all it will only be by some form of miracle.

My goals today? Eat and sleep.

Hopefully by this afternoon we should learn whether we'll qualify for patient assistance so I can then start the new Sutent chemo asap.

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