Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blah Wednesday

I didn't sleep at all last night. I lied there from about 8:30 p.m. until about 2:30 a.m., just rolling from side to side, trying so hard to just drift off into dreamland - but nothing.

Finally I hopped downstairs and took two Tylenol and an anxiety pill. It helped me drift off, but in an hour I awoke in a cold sweat. After walking that off I managed to sneak a couple more hours of sleep in before waking up at 6 a.m.

I was a zombie, and I still am.

I don't know exactly what is causing my random sleepless nights. I think part of it is not being able to get comfortable. The pain in my hip has been getting worse and worse. And the strange knots on my head make it entirely impossible to get comfy. One thing I intend to make very clear to the oncologist on Friday is that those bumps HAVE to go.

I feel like I could go right back for a nap, right now. But I'm afraid I'd mess up my chances of a good sleep tonight. So I'm hanging out on the La-Z-Boy with one eye open.

I had gone back to bed for a little over two hours this morning while Susan and Bill kindly took Barbie to the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker. We are now well stocked through the New Year - yes, the pork and sauerkraut is in the house.

Thanks Susan and Bill!

I have now fully started the Sutent. I'm under the impression that we won't wait for the Sutent to have an affect on the hip, but will go after it with radiation as soon as they can schedule me. I'll find that out for sure though on Friday.

I am afraid though that they're going to wait to see if the Sutent does anything for the weird bumps on my head. I'm going to try to talk them out of that. These things are strange and they hurt, red bumps, the largest of two the size of a dime, and the oncologist hinted that they were cancerous. Did anyone ever hear of topical cancer bumps (excluding maybe skin cancer)?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It didn't look like a skin cancer case...Unless you had moles on your head? Typically it starts with a raised mole that begins to look a little funny. From what I had learned in the past I thought that cancerous bumps did NOT hurt. I am not 100% on that though. In any case it needs looked at ASAP. Sorry that you are so tired. Try to get some vitamin c in you and it'll help wake you up a little. I hope they can get you in soon for radiation. Well hope you get a better rest tonight! Talk to you soon.
