Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Celebrate Culture

A few years ago, a family in a Lebanon County school district threatened to sue the district over their planned Christmas program. The family was Jewish and said they were offended by a Christian-based Christmas program.

Taking the threat of a lawsuit seriously, the school board decided to cancel the Christmas program.

We've all heard stories like this over the past decade or so. What a shame it is.

I do understand that this is a diverse world, full of many different cultures and many different beliefs. I don't understand why people want to squash all of those cultures into one empty, generic, pulp of nothingness.

This Jewish family may have chose instead to request a Jewish song be included in the program. They may have organized their own separate Jewish concert.

To me, the more culture the better. But, please don't try to rid me of my culture or my beliefs.

I am very strong in my faith and my beliefs. I am proud of my culture and my upbringing and heritage.

But at the same time I love to explore other cultures, other beliefs, other backgrounds and heritages and how they developed and grew, or disappeared.

My faith is strong. There is no fear that I will find something that I suddenly like more. Fear is what creates racism, bigotry, and religious intolerance. I approach each day without fear, wanting to learn. One thing I have learned is that it only makes my own beliefs stronger.

It's disappointing to see our society try to rid itself of all its rich cultures. We should be celebrating them instead.

Merry Christmas everyone! Christ our Saviour has been born!

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