Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Where's the Beef?

I've been quickly learning what foods my body is accepting, and which it is rejecting. Generally speaking what's working is comfort foods, made with fresh ingredients, and a lot of love.

About a year ago I was on a photo assignment to take some fine dining photographs and ran into the chef who used to own the Railroad House in Marietta. The Railroad House is about a quarter-mile walk from our house. When we first moved to town we stopped by a couple of times. It's housed in a very historic, and very well cared for building next to the railroad tracks.

The Railroad House was very impressive because of this former owner. His food was above any expectation.... shrimp champagne bisque, steak diane. He blew me away. It was quite a loss to town when he and his wife sold the place.

I had to ask him why he sold it.

His wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. With her ongoing treatments the Railroad House just became too much for them to handle.

I, of course, told him how sorry I was to hear that, and offered him my support.

We talked further of food and he told me how he's given up beef.

"Given up beef," I exclaimed. No steak diane???

Because of his wife's treatments, he explained, all she can eat is chicken.

I must have made a little face. He quickly said, "I can do a thousand things with chicken."

I agreed. He probably could do a thousand things with chicken.

But I can't do a thousand things with chicken. And now I know exactly what this chef was talking about.

For me right now, it's very little beef and only in small portions. Primarily I'm going with the poultry and the fish. Dairy and tomatoes the body also isn't accepting right now.

So since I only know about six things to do with chicken, and not a thousand. I need some good chicken recipes. Anyone have any?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hm I think all of the ones I know, you probably know too. But, if I do think of something else I will let you know!
