Thursday, October 18, 2007

Time to Take a Few Months Off

Based on the positive results of the MRI earlier this week, we anticipated a fairly uneventful appointment with my oncologist today. Those are the best appointments - the uneventful ones - and the visit lived up to our expectations.

With the second round of tests completed since the end of radiation treatments, our plan is now to take three months off and then repeat the tests.

I've had AT LEAST one doctor's appointment a month since February. Three months off? WOOHOO!

We reviewed my MRI. As it was reported to us earlier in the week, everything looks good. I could certainly look for more extensive anaylsis from my nuerosurgeon but we all agreed that it wouldn't be necessary. A good report from the radiologist is a good report.

The first thing the oncologist said to me was "You lost weight." I weighed in at 194-pounds. That is my lowest point yet. I haven't weighed less than 200-pounds since high school. The doctor was glad to hear that I took it upon myself to up the amount of drugs that I take to control the digestive problems caused by the chemotherapy drug.

I am eating, and eating pretty well. I can't do really large dinners like I once could. But the portions I'm eating are of pretty decent size. I'm also exercising. So as long as I'm able to continue to control the digestive woes, I'm confident I'll be able to keep the weight stable, if not gain a few pounds.

All the lab tests on my blood work looked real good.

We discussed a few of the continuing ongoing effects of both the radiation treatments and the chemotherapy. Nothing serious, just some of the same old side effects that make cancer treatment so much fun.

So...I'm going to keep eating, keep exercising, and keep working to improve my day-to-day strength and general health. I'll keep working toward being more and more involved and busy. There's lots to do always around this old house. And it's time to get the artistic and creative needs satisfied again.

Woohoo! Three months off!!!

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