Saturday, October 20, 2007

Typical Saturday

Well today consisted of more painting and the normal Saturday phone conversation with my mother. From what I understand, my nieces had a day loaded with basketball events at Cumberland Valley, so I certainly hope that all is going well.

I guess because we live as close as we do to the river, we get what I would consider more bugs including spiders than the average person, so Jim decided to somewhat attack the areas around the doors in which they tend to hang out. I cannot stand spiders, just the sight of them gives me the creeps.

Charlie and Alyssa of course came by last evening and they are doing very well. They had the proofs from the day of there wedding and they all had turned out very well. I am looking forward to be able to get the pictures I decide to choose.

It had been a busy week with some of Jim's appointments, but what a relief that things are on the up swing. I will continue to send out my thoughts and prayers to my uncle that is laid up in the hospital recovering from major surgery. I hope for as much of speedy recovery as possible. I hope he keeps in mind how much people care and only want what is best for him.

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