Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Chugging Along

We have plenty going on around here but nothing of great excitement. I seem to have a new ailment every week to deal with (part of the recovery process it seems) and with Fall nearby we've filled our schedule with house projects to finish before the cold of Winter sets in.

As I've recovered from the radiation treatments I've had various health issues to deal with - most of them minor, some of them strange. For one two-week period I occassionally felt like I was stepping in something wet (shrugging shoulders), although there was nothing wet I was stepping in. For another two-week period the muscles that controlled my eye movements became very sore.

There has been all kinds of things. And all of them have come and then they have gone. This week's ailment-du-jour is a quick tingle that shoots down my arms and into my hands, and sometimes down my back into my legs. Primarily I feel the tingle when I'm active or when I look down, touching my chin to my chest. Who knows? This too feels like it's getting better and probably by next week will also be gone. It's all kind of strange.

Overall, things keep getting better. But it's such a slow process. I thought the recovery from two cracked ribs and pneumonia took a long time...whew!

As the oncologist told me, my main assignment right now is nutrition and fitness and that's what I'm focusing on.

As far as projects around the house - we've got plenty. This old house, of course, does not have central air conditioning. But we do have five air conditioning units, two of which weigh at least two million pounds. So we're making plans on calling in reserves to help us get those back out.

We're reorganizing and cleaning the basement, which has meant lots of extra trash each week. All the plantation blinds in the house sorely need cleaned. Barb has started a complete renovation of the second bathroom. And after the second bathroom we'll be moving on with plans to refinish other rooms in the house.

All the little projects help my general fitness and help fight the overall fatique.

All work will stop come 3 p.m. today though. I've successfully converted Barb into a Phillies fan, and we'll be parked in front of the TV come 3 p.m. today to root on the Phillies in their first playoff game.

I have a longtime attachment to the Phillies. All growing up I would fall asleep each summer night listening to Harry Kalas call the Phillies games on the radio. To this day, when I first hear Harry's voice I know it's Spring and Summer will soon be here.

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