Sunday, October 28, 2007

Little of This, Little of That

The temperature is supposed to drop to 35-degrees tonight, with widespread frost.

Is it just me, or has the delay of daylight savings time made it seem like the sun is rising these days around noon?

Barb has finished painting in the second bathroom - yellow and sage. The gals have painted that side of the house, on the second floor - purple, pink, peach, yellow and sage - when I wasn't looking.

LOL I'm not the kind to have to control everything. It's not the colors I would have picked out (especially the pink), but anyone who resides here should influence, and will influence, the style of the house.

Plus it looks pretty good. Well, ok, everything but the pink. LOL

Now we'll jump in there for some overhead light replacements and repairs.

Hopefully Barb will be singing to the radio in her second bathroom again soon!

Thanks to those that have sent in some poultry and fish recipes. I've fully returned to the kitchen and am running all burners. I've always loved to cook, because I've always loved to eat.

It's a little strange to have to worry about what I eat. For example, I still crave the sweet sausage sandwich from the deli across the street (only made on occasion) smothered in onions and peppers - but my body is just not too fond of it anymore. So I can crave it, but I can't have it.

Now it's chicken and turkey and fish and shellfish, and quite frankly I've always done a lot more with beef then I have with poultry and fish. So any recipes? I'm interested.

The Red Sox won. Penn State lost. And Newcastle United looked miserable in defeat in the English soccer league. Let's not talk about it.

Halloween has taken over Marietta. A lit ghost (quite well done) has taken its annual perch above Shank's Tavern. The haunted decorations abound throughout town. Soon the little trick-or-treaters will be rambling through the streets. Halloween gives me the chance to wear my "World's Biggest Afro" wig. You've got to like that.

But give me Thanksgiving, and it will be here before we know it. Thanksgiving is the best - all of the family, all of the friends, all of the food, and none of the presents!

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