Monday, October 29, 2007

Just Can't Think About It Everyday

Between all of the medications and their side effects, it's impossible to not think about cancer each and every day.

But I don't make it a point to really sit down and think about cancer everyday. It would drive me crazy. I think survivors should do their best to just get out and live every day.

It is definitely valuable to take an active interest in your own illness and your own care. Without a doubt, cancer patients need to be involved in their care and treatment. Sometimes you just need to sit down and scour reports, scour the internet, talk to doctors and nurses and other patients. You can't wait on the medical community to take the initiative, you have to take your own.

But you just can't do it everyday. Some cancer patients do.

Cancer is frightening. But, it is no more frightening than life in general.

In everything there is positive and negative, even with cancer. I think it's important to approach each day, each week, each month, with balance.

It's still important for me to research available drugs (a new one for kidney cancer has just become available), research side effects of treatments, talk to other patients and share experiences. A lot of that can become very serious in content.

But it's still important also to chase Freckles around the house, work on the house, draw and take photos, spend time with family and friends.

Like this blog, somedays I need to address the cancer, and somedays I need to talk about something completely different, hopefully even something silly.

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