Monday, July 16, 2007

Little Update

It's Monday everybody! Time to get up and kick it back in gear for another week! Woohoo! lol

A Monday for me will start with a little walk. I've been working on getting out and getting some basic exercise. It's amazing, after these radiation treatments it is like starting over. I have to slowly work up strength again over time. I'm determined to be stronger than Barb again (although some would argue that I never was to begin with).

And being Monday, my walk will be quickly followed with a call to my insurance company to argue, complain, and straighten out discrepencies they seem to purposely throw into the mix to make everything as difficult as possible. It's ridiculous really. It always comes down to my insurance company trying to find any way to weasel out of paying each and every bill. I should have given them an equally hard time about paying my monthly premium all these years.

The regular Monday argument with the insurance company will be quickly followed by my first of three teeth cleaning treatments of the day. I did make it to the dentist last week. All in all the dentist felt that my teeth survived the radiation treatments very well. But the radiation did cause two small cavities which I"ll need to get filled. And there was a little bone loss along the gum line. And the radiation has caused something known as "black tongue." So now I'm on a strict regimen to attack all of these issues, which involves three different toothpastes, two different tooth brushes, and two different mouthwashes. And I thought it was bad when my Mom hawked me to brush my teeth as a kid! lol Jeesh! Well the regimen does seem to be having a positive effect.

After the teeth cleaning, I'll decide to clean the rest of me. Then it's into some daily chores to straighten up the house. After that it's moving into personal projects to keep me motivated and moving, constantly working to take more and more of the burden of our daily lives off of Barb.

Things are pretty much the same with the appetite right now. I am living off protein drinks, fruit, and blueberry muffins. It's an odd thing for me. I've always loved to eat. I mean LOVED to eat. So I'm working on it. There are still certain cravings there and I'm working with them.

Happy Monday everybody! Now stop reading this and get back to work!!! LOL

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