Monday, July 23, 2007

It's Monday

First of all, I want to thank those of you that have been commenting on the posts, we are glad to see it happening.

We skipped the weekend posts, I guess because sometimes it's not always easy to think of a topic. Anyway, we have gotten a really good start on the wedding invitations and will continue to plug away at getting them completed.

Today I am going to go over to Alyssa's apartment for a few hours to help her pack her belongings to move into her and Charlie's new house. The place will be very nice for the two of them and it is a beautiful home with quite the view. It's difficult to find a lot now and days with an awesome view, but they happen to have one.

Once again, thank you for everything that everyone has been doing in assisting on Jim's road to recovery, although I know people would be doing these things anyway, because that is exactly the way it is supposed to be when you have a close knit family!!!

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