Saturday, January 24, 2009

What a Mixed Up Country We Are

While CitiBank buys Merill Lynch out from debt, the CEO of Merill Lynch first asks for a 10 million dollar bonus, then plans a 1.2 million dollar redecorating of his office.

What planet is this guy on?

He has now stepped down from his position. But would it be realistic to think that his replacement will be that different?

We really do have a group of elite in this country that are so far removed from reality it's dangerous. And thanks to the theories of trickle down economics, this group just continues to grow bigger, stronger, and more detached.

I think it's criminal.

Yesterday the local police finally caught the two local 18-year olds who have been smashing windows out of cars to collect change from inside. I'm glad they were caught, of course. One car they had already broken into was mine.

I'm sure they'll be punished. But all in all, the harm they've caused is no comparison to the harm caused by the likes of the former CEO of Merill Lynch. And I have a funny feeling that he'll land on his feet somewhere just fine.

Somehow the middle class has to take control of this country again. The country has become an elite few ruling the masses as their serfdom. But how do we hold our elite royalty accountable?

We've become detached. We're distracted by celebrities and sports, mp3 players and big screen tvs. The news is more about weight or hair loss than it is about current issues.

Seriously, I want to know what issues my representatives are considering and voting on each and every day. How do I do that?

When I worked for a large printer in York they considered building a plant in North Jersey to tap more of the New York City marketplace. It turned out though that building in North Jersey was too expensive so they decided to expand locally. The owner of the company went to the state and told them that unless he received grant money to help him expand locally he was going to go build in North Jersey. He lied. He was given the grant, our tax dollars free for him.

Then in the true style of trickle down economics he built a full-court basketball court inside his house.

Genuinely, I am almost afraid to get involved. These people could smash me like a bug, and they wouldn't hesitate to I'm sure.

Dealing with my health insurance company Aetna has taught me that it's in my best interest to just leave them alone as much as possible. If I highlight unfairness or mistakes to them, they just pile more trouble on top of me.

A few weeks ago Aetna completely messed up a claim and after I brought it to their attention suddenly another bill appeared for medicine I had prescribed over a year ago. Both issues were resolved, at least until the next issue surfaces.

Amazingly, and I kid you not, Aetna messed up every co-pay on MRIs and CTs throughout all of 2008 with the exception of one.

I can't change insurers. I'm stuck. In the wisdom of our country a person with a pre-existing condition (like cancer) cannot be denied from group insurance plans but can be denied by individual insurance plans. That's sure supporting the American ideal of individualism!

I'm on my soap box. But I'm not as fired up as I may sound. Quite frankly I've been beaten down over years trying to right these abuses that I see as wrong, all the way back to my newspaper reporter days.

Now, listening to the next round of layoffs on the news every morning, I just hope that the masses can stand up and hold our elite group of rulers to some form of accountability.

Democracy, lol, I can only hope.


Anonymous said...

What mixed our country up so much would take volumes to analyze and write about. When you were young, electronic gadgets and TV games (Pac Man) were coming on the market fast and furious and they soon became tops on the birthday/Christmas wish gift lists. Parents ran to buy these gadgets for their kids. We also didn't walk but ran to embrace the racy and daring TV shows that actually taught our kids about the seamier side of life. Kids no longer played outside like you did (think of the countless hours you spent playing outside with all kinds of ballgames, sledding, etc) Kids don't do that any more. They are glued to iPods, cell phones, TV's Wii's etc. You get the picture. Two parent homes are now hard to find especially with a stay at home mom because these gadgets and big houses/cars are more important than what we are really teaching our kids.

I am just as guilty. I liked my job better than housework (after you all left home). I wouldn't even consider buying a car without On Star. Not only does this give me a lot of freedom but also a very false sense of security. After all, it not only takes me door to door with full directions, it also tells me when I have a mechanical problem with my car and knows if I would be in an accident. My dad was a car enthusiast and I am sure he could never imagine these gadgets in a car. Unfortuantely these gadgets come at a price. Part of that price includes the mixed up status of our country.

The younger generation can use all the foul language anywhere anytime they want to but just even suggest that they take a minute for silent reflection or prayer in school and the ACLU is all over that and puts a halt to it. We no longer want our kids to learn the 10 commandments or the Golden Rule let alone any other pattern of decent living dictated in the Bible. Kids are learning big bang theories but be sure you never mention creationism.

So, each generation since WW II has added another nail to the coffin of what was once a decent country. It is really easy to blame it on greed in our governmen/big corporations, etc but until each individual fesses up his/her own life failings, nothing will change. We have allowed the media to influence everything we think or do in our own lives.

After the election, it was amazing to hear the interviews from people all over and the optimism that this president will bring us big changes. Changes in what???? His speech was the same rah rah speech that has been given since George Washington -- we all must take responsibility, we all must do our part blah blah blah. Will it ever happen -- I don't think so. We are no longer a country geared up to take responsibility for anything except maybe our blackberries, iPods, cell phones, etc. We will continue to smack crimninals on the wrist for very serious crimes against our society and I do see a day when our religious freedom (the very thing that can save us) will be stiffled and maybe even permanently stilled. I can remember when our church (Friedens) was full every Sunday and Sunday school classes were bulging. Those days are gone. We are still lucky to average about 250 per Sunday but that is due in large part to my generation -- not to the younger generation. We have very few young people involved in our church which is a real concern to me and it should be to every person in this country.

Mixed up -- I should say so and it won't get any better because our politicians tell us they will make changes. Somebody needs to explain to me how increasing the national debt to give everybody a rebate or $300 check to senior citizens will fire up the economy. The bottom line isn't the greed of corporation heads but our own greed as well. We want more and more gadgets, bigger houses to live in, 6 cars in every driveway and, of course, more and more money in our pocket for doing less and less work.

Jim Albert said...

Could you tell I was grouchy this morning. It was the first morning off the steroid.

People do deserve nice things. Everyone needs a nice red kite to fly on a breezy day. I know I do.

Especially people who work so hard certainly deserve something special.

But a $1.2 million office makeover? I just can't imagine doing something that special.