Thursday, January 8, 2009

Now That Is Done

Well the Gamma Knife procedure is now over and I can get on to meeting the surgeon today to see what might come from that.

The Gamma Knife is a wild, space-age machine that treats tumors in the brain. It makes no noise, and meanwhile transmits many microscopic radiation beams in a carefully measured and configured fashion to treat a tumor without affecting adjoining brain cells. It's wild.

The worst part of the Gamma Knife is having a metal frame screwed into your skull in four places. I'm not exaggerating. It does get screwed right into the bone. The frame is necessary to keep your head locked in an still during measurements, calculations and eventual treatment.

It's not terribly bad. They gave me enough pain medicine that I didn't even know my head was still on my shoulders.

They did what they had to do.

With all the numbness well worn off now this morning I'm feeling the after effects of having four holes drilled in my head. Everything is a bit sore today. Feels like I've got into a fight again.

But all in all I must say that I'm feeling quite well. I am going to start driving again today. I wanted to get through the Gamma Knife feeling well, and I do. My eating has been great because of the steroid, and I have officially gained two-pounds. Plus I'm feeling active and wanting to get up and get stuff done. I've just begun a little art project - but that's all I'll say about that one for now.

Stay warm everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are one tough cookie! Up and at em'! Good for you Jim, I hope you have a super fab day!

=] Cookie