Thursday, January 15, 2009

Final Day of Radiation

Today will be my last radiation treatment to the bone in my hip. The radiation treatments are not a big deal. It's just having to drive to the hospital each and every day that gets a little old. If this went on any longer they'd have to give me a time card.

The radiation treatment itself never lasts more than 10-minutes. So it's a 30-minute drive, for 10-minutes of radiation, and then 30-minutes back to Marietta. It seemed like too much driving for too little to do. So I guess that's kind of how the whole Mosby's lunch stops kind of started. If we're going to be running out like that, I figured, we might as well get something to eat.

To celebrate this last day of radiation I've officially decided to order two dozen hot wings to go today. I can taste them already. But, I promise, after today I'm staying away from the wings for awhile. Typically I eat much healthier (not counting the Ben and Jerry's ice cream).

Barb, for some unknown reason, let all the radiation nurses know that I've been stopping for hot wings after every day's treatment. Now that's all I hear.

"Did you stop for wings yesterday?"

"Yes," I say a little embarassed. "I stopped again."

They laugh.

When radiation first started my hip was quite sore and I was taking some occasional pain pills to help out. But everything started feeling magically better, until yesterday when the soreness started coming back.

The nurses assured me that this is normal, and some pain likely will continue until the radiation has fully confused the cancerous cells. I've also been painting the upstairs hallway, so I'm wondering if maybe I might have aggravated things a bit too.

But I'll tell you, if you ever have any problems getting motivated to get up and do something, just try watching television for 30-minutes. Egad. If it wasn't for news and sports I'd just have them unplug this thing.

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