Saturday, January 10, 2009

Spackle Saturday

Now any day that I get to spackle is a good day.

Maybe it's the creativeness of it. It flows. It's in motion, at least for the moment. There is a rhythm to it.

I've made wall sculptures from joint compound. Really.

I've been generally full of busy energy lately. I reorganized the refrigerator and freezers the other day just so I had a better idea of what was in there for me to eat.

My motto has always been "I'm never bored." I might be doing things that seem pretty boring - say spackling - but I'm never bored. There's always something to do.

The design business (and economy in general) is at a halt right now. But I'm still creating. I'm working on getting six photos of textures throughout our house that I can hang together in a montage that reflects the mood and feeling of our home. I still need two more photos.

Yesterday I decided to drop by Lowe's for some paint so I can finally attack the upstairs hallway. That's where the spackling came in.

There were two pretty nasty areas of ceiling and plenty of cracks to fill. Let's face it, this house has been settling for 200-years.

I do a pretty good job. But I'm no expert. A little sanding will help. And the great thing about an old house is bumps and bruises are perfectly acceptable, and earned.

I have come to learn that the most dangerous part about my ongoing radiation treatments is the fact that Mosby's Pub is on the way home. Last week I stopped for wings three times, and once the week before. I've had cravings. I've ordered take out. Barb thinks I'm pregnant.

I have gained a couple of pounds, thanks to the steroid. It's a good thing that I kept my size 34, 36, and 38-sized jeans. I'm ready for anything.

I hope everyone out there gets to do something they really enjoy today. You know you want to. You know the sense of accomplishment it will give you. Go ahead and spackle that crack in the hallway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just keep in mind that a year or so ago when you were craving wings from Mosby's you couldn't eat them so now you get to eat all you want and believe me this is a good sign of your improvement -- keep it up and keep eating the wings. I know how much you enjoy them so just keep stopping in for them as often as you want. Love MOM