Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Is It Just Me?

Once I was in the middle of a CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. The IV was all hooked up to pump me full of dye. The CT machine slowly guided me into the scanning tube and then the machine broke down.

They tried to shut it completely down and restart it a couple of times. The same thing we all do when our computer goes a little nuts.


They eventually pulled me out and took me to another facility to get the scan done.

I seem to walk into these things.

Yesterday Alyssa and Charlie drove Barb and I to the Health Campus. Typically the radiation total visit lasts about 10-minutes. It's very quick.

But things weren't moving yesterday. Everything was at a stand still. One of their two radiation machines had broken down. Parts were being flown in from Las Vegas I was told. Things had backed up considerably. We were told to expect over an hour wait.

Now the first thing I thought was, "Radiation machines break?"

That didn't make me feel very good.

Plus I've done the waiting game before. Oh I've paid my dues there. I've waited almost four hours once to see the wrong doctor, and another time I waited three hours to see another doctor.

The scene at the cancer center wasn't looking pretty. The radiation oncology lobbies were all full of patients, and none of them looked very happy.

We left. A missed treatment is OK. It will be tacked on to the end of my schedule without ill effect to my treatment.

I just hope the parts are in from Las Vegas, hooked up and ready to go, and there will be two radiation machines working today.

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