Monday, November 24, 2008


We celebrated an early Thanksgiving yesterday with Barb's family. We have lots to be thankful for.

Jay and Debbie (and Ellis of course) kindly hosted the get together. It's always good to see everyone.

Debbie and Susan worked the kitchen hard and produced a wonderful turkey dinner, complete with the legendary family filling balls.

Bill reprised his role as mashed potato king.

Sheridan filled me with tales of Arizona.

Jim and Becky seemed to be in outstanding spirits.

Charlie let out "ooos" and "aaaahs" at the Philadelphia Eagles lame performance. Alyssa's eyes proved to be too big for her stomach once again as she filled her plate to an overflow level. They crack us up.

Ellis and Briana never stopped moving, running through the house from top to bottom, all smiles all the way.

My favorite moment was when Bill started a game of hide-and-seek with Ellis and Briana.

He would start counting, "One. Two. Five."

"No. No. No," screamed Ellis and Briana. "It's three!"

"Oh, that's right," said Bill. "One. Two. Seven," he'd start again.


I'm very thankful for moments like that. I'm thankful for smiles and laughs.

Before we left I noticed the Grim girls getting into a butt slapping session. That's right. I said it - a butt slapping session. I noted that this was strictly a female behavior pattern in our species, as I could not picture myself, Bill and Jay giggling and slapping each other's butts.

Just then Charlie came out to the kitchen, and at just the right moment all the Grim girls were watching so I slapped Charlie in the rear section, area, place. It brought smiles and laughs, I can't forego an opportunity to create them.

Sorry about that Charlie. I had to sacrifice our dignity to let the ladies smile and laugh a little. Who am I kidding? It's greedy. I like to seem them smile and laugh.

I am very thankful for all the family and friends who continue to offer me so much support. I think I'm in my 18-month of chemo and I couldn't have done it without everyone around me.

Thank you.

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