Monday, November 17, 2008

Here We Go

Barb and I had a very relaxing and enjoyable Sunday. We made a big breakfast and had it for lunch, having Alyssa, Charlie and Barb's mother and father over.

There was cantalope, blueberrys, bananas, english muffins, homemade blueberry muffins, breakfast sausage, bacon, lots of stuff. And lots of full stomachs afterwords.

Now Monday is upon us and it's time to get busy again.

Overall I'm feeling pretty good. I do think my cough is getting better. My immune system is so low everything takes a long time to repair in this old body. Even a scratch takes twice as long to heal as it used to.

I've got plenty of work to do today. I've got some studio work, some phone calls, some work around the house. It's important for me to stay as active as possible.

And I've got to keep exercising. It's crucial to my well-being. I was able to exercise four out of five days last week, and the difference is noticeable. I'm not exactly turning into a body builder. But the exercise creates energy and keeps my lean muscles toned.

Not much else to report. But as I often say, no news is good news. I love life when it's boring. No jumping out of perfectly good airplanes for this guy - life is exciting enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only was our brunch delicious, not tyo mention the good coompany, but the beef noodle soup we had later for supper was outstanding. So glad you both like to cook. It was a great day and a good break for us.

