Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You

I had a classmate in high school who was a good athlete and was considering going to West Point.

He and his father were invited to the campus for a tour and to stay overnight to check out the place.

They were very impressed through their visit and bunked down for the night thinking that this had some real potential.

At five a.m. the next mornings cannons were fired. Blown out of their beds the duo scampered to find out what the racket was all about.

They were told that it was just the daily alarm clock, cannons were fired to wake everyone up every morning at 5 a.m.

He decided against West Point.

People who know me, know that I've never touched a gun, less would I consider ever joining the military.

My Mom always used to say that she feared if there was a draft, and I ever was drafted, that I would flee to Canada (and, no, not for the health care).

Though the military is not my cup of tea, I have a great deal of respect and admiration for those who have served.

Our soldiers have nothing to do with the policy making or the decisions made on what they will do. They just do their job. And they do it admirably.

Sure there are glitches. Sure there are bad eggs. Military enrollment is just a reflection of society as a whole, and nothing is perfect. But the sacrifices that are made, the time away from family and loved ones, the unquestioning devotion to work each day to protect our country, our lifestyle, and our freedom, is certainly worth a tip of the cap and a big, "thank you."

Whether you're for or against our military involvements around the world, you have to have a great deal of respect and admiration for our soldiers.

Our flag is flying proudly in front of our house this Veteran's Day. Thanks to all the past, present, and future military personnel out there.

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