Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Nature of Things

Have you ever noticed that everyone's index finger is the perfect size to stick up their nose? I mean it's perfect. If you see someone with thin fingers, I'll guarantee you that they have thin nostrils. If you see someone with stout, chubby fingers, I'll bet they have wide nostrils.

I'm imagining right now how many people will be out there trying to stick their finger in their nose while reading this.

But it is true.

I notice these important aspects of life. lol

It is amazing observing the incredible balances that exist in the nature of things.

Some animals used to live in the seas and for their betterment they've evolved to be land dwellers.

Giant turtles spend their life in deep waters, but lay their eggs on the beaches.

It's wise not to mess with Mother Nature - you will lose. But it's fascinating to watch nature in progress, and smart to just go with the flow.

I do remember reading of an experiment conducted a couple years ago. Some of the facts I may not get right. But the point of the story I will always remember.

There was a type of trout found in Missouri rivers, and it was a great game fish. Someone from Colorado thought it would be a great idea to introduce this Missouri fish into Colorado waters.

In a short time after the Missouri Trout was introduced into a Colorado river, everything in the Colorado river died. All the Missouri trout died, all the fish natural to the Colorado river died, just everything.

Scientists concluded that the fish from Missouri brought elements of their natural ecosystem with them to Colorado. When the natural ecosystem in the Colorado river mixed with the imported ecosystem, they didn't get along and everything died.

To me, that means we have to be careful about what parts of this world we mix with others. And of course I wonder if that would also be a rule for humankind.

If we mix a person from France with a person from Vietnam would a similar result occur? Would their natural ecosystems clash and cause chaos?

I don't know. But sometimes I wonder.

I often worry because my marriage to Barb is a mixed marriage. Afterall, she is from the west side of the Susquehanna River and I am from the east side of the river. Many times I tease her about that. lol

But hey, over here on the east side we call that Pennsylvania Dutch delicacy "pig stomach." Meanwhile over there, across the river, they call it "hog maw."

Hog maw? Bunch of crazy people over there. I'll tell 'ya.

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