Tuesday, November 4, 2008

No Sleep, But Feeling Better

Waking up slow this morning, but feeling much better. You know that germy taste you get in your mouth when you're sick? Well that's gone this morning.

It was just a head cold, and it is passing. I'll take it easy today, be a little more active than yesterday, and hopefully be right back to normal by tomorrow.

May need a nap today though thanks to Freckles.

I was sleeping pretty soundly, dreaming of a very large woman chasing me (don't ask me, I know there was more involved but I don't remember it). I woke up suddenly when Barb went on a midnight chocolate run. She wasn't sleeping. She was worried about Alyssa.

Alyssa was under the weather and down for the count yesterday. I'm worried about her too. Actually she's got 14-minutes to check in with us before we risk waking her up and checking in with her. I hope she's better today. I'm sure she will be.

I tried to go back to sleep while Barb nervously went at her chocolate. I'm not sure how many pieces she had, but I can ask her.

"Barb how much chocolate did you eat last night?"

"I had only four you maniac," types Barb.

LOL She actually typed that. And I don't believe her. I think she had more. LOL

I wasn't falling back to sleep very well, but I was getting close. I kind of drifted in and out until about two a.m. and then I heard the sound of Freckles getting sick. That's a fairly normal event that occurs most nights but is usually beyond ear shot on the first floor, typically in the kitchen or sunroom.

Clean-up could wait until morning.

Thirty-minutes later Freckles was meowing.

Thirty-minutes later Freckles jumped up on the bed and tried to wake us up. He was successful but no one was getting out of bed.

Thirty-minutes later Freckles was trying to get in the closet. He was meeting little success. But he was banging the closet door back and forth making a consistent loud slamming noise (that was a new one).

There was more meowing and he tried to jump back up on the bed again but I persuaded him away with a size 13.

Ugh, no sleep, and I finally gave up and bounced downstairs at around six a.m.

There could be a nap in my future today...again.

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