Thursday, November 13, 2008

Business as Usual *Cough*

It's been a pretty normal week, which I appreciate. I like boring. No skydiving for this guy. Life is exciting enough.

I've been eating well. I've been exercising regularly. I've been trying to take care of myself.

We've taken care of necessary facets of life, groceries, leaf collection, having the FJ inspected, cleaning up after Freckles. I've also been working, finishing a brochure yesterday and I'll be back on a product catalog today.

I'll be dropping Barb off for a haircut today, then going for my weekly bloodwork before returning to pick Barb up.

I'm still worried about my lingering cough that still won't go away after a head cold two-weeks ago. I know cancer patients like myself, with a compromised immune system, have to be extra careful about infections.

The oncologist believes it's viral rather than bacterial so he rationalized that antibiotics wouldn't help me.

I'll probably let the nurses know tomorrow at chemo treatment that I'm still struggling with the coughing. If I still can't clear it by next week I'll be off to see my family doctor to tap his mind for ideas.

It really doesn't feel like it's in my chest. And my breathing is quite normal. So...we'll see.

I certainly don't feel bad. I don't feel germy like when I had the head cold. It's just this cough that won't go away.

I'm off for a little breakfast, a little exercise on the Bowflex, and a nice hot shower.

I hope everyone has a great day, and if you're in PA take your umbrella.

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