Monday, November 3, 2008

Cough, Sneeze, Ugh

Typically, throughout my life, I would get one major head cold every year in January or February. It would always be a rough one and set me down for a couple of days.

Last year, to my surprise, I went through the winter without a hint of a cold. Of course I was pleased.

Chemo lowers my immune system. That's just one of the ironies in cancer treatment. A strong immune system could help fight against the cancer. But the chemo puts up a stronger fight, so the way it lowers the immune system has to be overlooked.

I could feel a cold coming on the past few days. It didn't feel too bad and I was still getting around fine. I was hoping that it would quickly pass as just a little nuisance.

But yesterday it started coming on strong. I didn't sleep too well last night. I was up just after four a.m. this morning. Now I'm all covered up in a lounge chair watching the news and typing today's blog.

It's mainly in the sinuses and in the throat. I've got the throat lozengers going. I've got the sinus medicine going to help dry me out. But best of all I've got my Grandma's recipe going - honey tea. Grandmas do know best.

We had planned to do a little running today. But we've decided to sit this one out and try to get me feeling better. I hope to feel well enough to walk two blocks to the polls tomorrow.

For today I can see a nap in my future. Freckles will probably join me. He usually does.

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