Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ready to Roll

I slept like a baby last night.

Nooooo...I wasn't up crying every hour. I didn't see monsters in the dark. And I didn't need my diaper changed.

I guess I didn't sleep exactly like a baby. But I slept well.

And after half a cup of coffee I'm awake and energized.

Our computer network went completely "wonka" on us last night. Done. It's fixed.

Barb reminded me that we need a new menu plan since we're going to the grocery store tomorrow. Done. A complete two-week menu, with one "free" night, plans to deal with food on chemo days, and dinners planned for Charlie's and Alyssa's Thursday night visits. The menu even plans out a cooking pattern that allows for us to switch handling the main chef's role every night.

I'm organized. But I'm not obsessive about it. The menu never goes exactly as planned. The menu mainly helps us build a grocery list so we get what we need, and not much else.

Then we play it out day-by-day.

Some highlights this week? How about lasagna, my world-famous pasta salad (Alyssa has been waking up in the middle of the night dreaming about it), and we even worked the Albert family recipe stromboli into the mix.

Today we are getting ready to visit the Licatese compound where our plans are to make sausage.

Yes, that's what I said, we're making sausage.

The sausage making is a Fall tradition for the Licatese family. It's also a good excuse to get family and friends together to enjoy a little fellowship and fun.

You know. You grind some meats, mix in some spices, and fill casings. It's not Disney World. But get enough wine in someone and next thing you know there's singing and dancing. It's part of the process, you can't make good italian sausage without love.

Wine is on my list of things I have very, very little of. So is sausage. So I believe my official position is "fly on the wall." This fits me well. I am an avid people watcher.

The rain will be falling today on the festivities. But I'm absolutely sure that it will not dampen any spirits.

There's not too many people in the United States right now, that could say, if asked the question, "What are you doing today?"

"Well sir, I am making sausage today."

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