Friday, May 30, 2008

Grand Canyon

There is a movie called "Grand Canyon," starring Danny Glover, Steve Martin and Kevin Kline. It's not a great movie. But the basic premise of the movie, the basic story line, is something I can really relate to.

Danny Glover is a tow-truck driver in Los Angeles. Whenever the chaos, commotion, non-stop activity, the traffic, the helicopters overhead - whenever it all becomes just to much to bear, Glover drives out to the Grand Canyon and just stands there and stares at it.

The Grand Canyon helps Glover to remember what life is really about - not all of our little human-made activities - but the big picture. The greatness that God has made all around us. It adjusts the perspective.

It's why I've always loved the ocean. It's why I love living in Marietta.

The ocean in its vastness and power instantly realigns my perspective to the basic essence of our being. And it's why I'm drawn to remote beaches, no clubs, no stores, no boardwalks.

We're about much more than celebrity gossip news, new televisions, even our jobs. We're a part of nature, all that was created with us and around us.

It's a little hard to explain. I guess you either get it or you don't.

Living here in Marietta, whenever I feel bogged down in all the silly things we have surrounded ourselves with, I can just take a walk to the Susquehanna River. And stand there and soak it in.

A lot of Barb's family escapes to Atlantic City when they need to get away from it all. To each there own I guess.

Alyssa and Charlie have a trip planned very soon. They were over last night for dinner and asked if Barb and I would ever be interested in going to Atlantic City with them.

Sorry. Nothing personal. But I'd rather stick hot pokers in my eyes.

To me that's like jumping from the oven to the furnace. When I want to get away, I want to get away. Just give me a nice big chunk of nature, like the Grand Canyon, to soak in and I'll be feeling all warm and fuzzy and relaxed again soon.

I think it's an important concept that is lost on most of us. We easily get caught up in all things we've surrounded ourselves with - slot machines, shopping, what stupid thing Britney Spears has done recently.

Give me the Grand Canyon for a weekend. I'll see you guys when you get back from Atlantic City.

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