Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Food Snob

I've become a real food snob. After quitting smoking and after the effects of radiation finally wore off, I discovered a very interesting thing - taste buds.

Put three broccoli spears in front of me, one from a can, one frozen, and one fresh, all prepared equally and of exact same size, and I'll tell you which one is which - no problem.

I can taste when the deli across the street needs to clean their grill.

I get upset when I go out to eat and feel like I could have made the dish better.

But all of this has not been the result solely of new found taste buds. My body seems to want food that has the highest nutritional value, which of course is the freshest food available.

My body wants fresh baked bread, not store bought. My body wants fresh potatoes, not Tater Tots. My body wants fresh whole chickens from the butcher shop, not chicken rondelets.

I've become a food snob.

Growing up in the generation I have, eating has often been about Doritos, Tastykakes, and Spaghetti-O's. It was the modern day kitchen, with the onset of the microwave and aluminum foil, not to mention mass production and tv, advertising, and packaging.

It was all always OK with me. I'd have no problem popping a Hot Pocket into the microwave and calling that lunch. Today though, that's not what my appetite, or body in general, wants to see.

So I do the best I can to collect fresh ingredients and cook good meals. We cook everynight, and trade-off everynight = good fresh meals. Even for breakfast and lunch, no cereal or frozen pizzas, I'm having fruit and fresh baked banana bread, and deli sandwiches on fresh baked kaiser rolls.

Yesterday for lunch I had breaded pork chops and scalloped potatoes from the deli. I finished it all. But, by the way, the scalloped potatoes came from a bucket, and the deli does have to clean their grill.

I'm such a food snob.

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