Saturday, May 24, 2008

Just Want to Play in the Dirt, That's All, Just Play in the Dirt

A bright sunshining Spring day has a way of making a person feel better no matter what the circumstances.

And I am feeling better today. The pains are still there. And a hiccup, cough, or even a laugh will serve as a quick reminder. But overall I'd say I feel OK.

Last night Alyssa and Charlie were over and they said something that gave me a big belly laugh, and then that belly laugh bent me in two from the sharp stabbing feeling. You know you're a bit down on your luck when a good laugh hurts bad.

But Friday morning I did continue my physician marathon and met with my family doc. We had a very good conversation and set a gameplan for going after what has been ailing me, first finding out what it is, then taking any appropriate measures.

I think, unfortunately, I have to try to take it easy on myself for awhile. I was exercising regularly, and hauling boxes around to clean out the basement, and now I have to try to just back off until the doc and I figure this stuff out.

But I do want to get out in this sunshine and play in the dirt a little today - pull some weeds, maybe even get out the new pressure washer for a test drive. I'm a simple guy. It's some of the simplest things that make me most content.

A warm smile, a simple generous gesture, a pat on the back - these things go far with me.

I remember in a full elevator this Thursday in Philadelphia. When the doors opened I made sure all the ladies had a chance to exit first. One nurse went by me with a smile. I could read the goofy expression on her face that was thinking "You're not from around here are you?"

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