Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday? Already?

Wow! Where did the summer go?

Kids are getting ready to head back to school. Before long the leaves will start changing color, then dropping, flooding our yard.

Thanks to Alyssa and Charlie I have a leaf blower available for this Fall season. I'm going to blow those leaves down to the river!

Still righting the pain in my right shoulder. I can't quite figure it out. It DOES seem to be getting a little better every day. It just doesn't seem muscular to me. I'm thinking maybe it's a stretch out tendon or ligament or something. I don't know.

Between the heating pad, the Aspircream (like Ben Gay without the smell), and the occasional pain pills I'm able to handle the daily events of life without grimacing and groaning too much.

The "kids" are treating us to dinner tonight, to celebrate our wedding anniversary earlier this month. We're heading to a restaurant in East Petersburg that I've never been to before. The place has an excellent reputation. I'm due for a good restaurant experience for a change, and I'm feeling strong that this just may be it.

I'm planning the approprite napping session to ensure I have the highest energy of the day ready for great food.

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