Saturday, September 13, 2008

Trying to Be Smooth About It

I had my earliest Torisel treatment yet yesterday - 8:30 a.m. No problems though. Everything went smoothly. The nurse even got the IV rolling with only one needle stick.

I did pull over a nurse when Barb and I first entered the chemo room and took a corner seat. The patients get these plush, fluffy seats with cushioned arm rests that recline with a foot rest. A visitor (Barb) gets a hard wooden desk chair.

I've been thinking this week about attempting to get a new oncologist. I've been thinking that a new doctor's fresh perspective on my case might do some good. And my current oncologist is having a lot of personal health issues he's already dealing with, and it kind of seems as if his mind and spirit aren't totally focused on the work.

So I rolled through my situation quickly with a nurse whose opinion I thought I could trust. The delicate aspect of it all is that I like my oncologist. And I pray for him and what he is going through. I don't want to stir up any ill will. I just have to make sure I'm getting the best minds I can on my case.

The nurse assured me that this kind of thing happens often. She's working on making me an appointment with the director of hematology/oncology to discuss the issue a little and see what he recommends we do.

I don't want to lose all the great aspects of LGH's facility. It's easily accessible for Barb and I. All the nurses are spectacular. And there are some strong minds in there.

I'm going to ease into it all. It's not something that can drift. But it's not something that has to be dealt with immediately. We'll continue to meet with my current oncologist this Friday. Then we'll look to meet with the director the week after and take things from there.

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