That smile that lights up a room.
Today is my daughter Alyssa's 23rd-birthday. Alyssa is actually my step-daughter. But I hate using that word "step." For some reason it makes me think of an evil step-mother, probably from seeing too many Disney movies.
I came into Alyssa's life when she was 16-years old. I skipped the learning curve and threw myself right into the teenage years. I had no clue. But I tried my best.
Alyssa has been a joy. She's taught me a lot. She's taught me a lot about myself. She's taught me about how much worry I put my own parents through.
Now don't get me wrong, Alyssa was never nearly as bad of a kid as I was. I mean it's not like Alyssa took off and lived on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale for a week, like I did. But parents and kids and worry are just three things that go together.
It's made me realize how I'll never be able to apologize enough to my parents for all the worry I caused them. Sorry Mom. Sorry Dad.
I think the first thing Alyssa and I did together was working to teach her to drive my five-speed little red sportscar. The only thing I think that taught her was that she didn't want to drive a manual transmission.
She's brought much more smiles and warmth and love to my life though than she has worry. And that continues, as she's supported me through this cancer fight, and given me a reason to keep fighting.
I can only hope that I've added to her life half of what she's added to mine.
Happy Birthday Alyssa! Bananas Foster at the Accomac tonight? Hey that's one thing I introduced her to! lol
Ok Mush Face!
First..that's a scary picture lol. Secondly, you know I think of you as a father and you know how much joy and new experiences you have introduced to my life. I have learned a lot from you and I know I was not always perfect (sorry too, lol) but I think in many ways we learned from each other. Because of every thing you are going through, I've learned not to sweat the small stuff. Sometimes it's just a waste of time to complain. Every day is a new day and you can't ever go back. Believe it or not you really play a big part in who I am today. I don't know what I'd do without you and what my mom would do without you. You have only been a blessing in our lives and you will continue to always be someone we care about and love very much. Thanks for the birthday wish and can't wait for Accomac!
P.S. Maybe bananas foster but...if there's chocolate ..I don't know..
Mush face? lol
Well just when I thought I knew you, you say "maybe" to bananas foster. heeheehee
Well tonight is anything you want. It's all good at the Accomac.
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