Saturday, August 30, 2008

Smooth Sailing

I was up and at 'em and out the door by 6:30 a.m. yesterday. I was off to have my weekly bloodwork done. The chemo won't start until my blood counts are checked every week. They've always been fine.

For whatever reason my veins are always tiny in the morning and big and plump in the afternoon. But the nurse hit me well on the first try yesterday, and I was heading back toward home quickly.

We reached the cancer center at 10:30 a.m. and again it only took one stick to set-up the IV. Wow! A chemo day with only two needle sticks overall. That's good stuff.

The nurses at the cancer center are just great. They keep everyone light-hearted and smiling and I try to keep them laughing too. One nurse blew a rubber glove up and drew a face on it for a little one that had accompanied her Mom into the chemo room. It cracked Barb and I up also. We're little kids at heart.

I greatly appreciate the nurses at the cancer center. They do an excellent job. They're ready with blankets, pillows, food, drinks. We even have big lounge chairs with a little TV at every chair if we chose to watch TV.

Barb and I always do crossword puzzles. Every week we finish about two and a half puzzles in the time it takes for the chemo process. We buy really easy crossword books because it makes us feel smart. lol

I'm getting into the swing of things for my Fridays. The Benadryl they give me, to protect against infusion reactions, makes me sleepy. So when I get home I take a little two-hour nap and I'm good to go. That evening I'll take one preventive Immodium to keep the tummy calm. And now I'm up and feeling well and ready to go come Saturday morning.

I keep feeling stronger and stronger. And I keep getting more and more done. I'm exercising regularly. I still have to work on my endurance a little bit. But it's all falling into place.

Yesterday we came home to quite a surprise. Someone had mailed us a money order. We have no idea who. It was purposely anonymous, simply signed "A Friend in Christ." It was made out to "Jimmy Albert," so I know it was from someone in Myerstown, someone who knew me as a little tyke growing up.

We're doing OK financially, and this gift was not necessary, but very touching and incredibly appreciated. I can only hope that the person who sent it to us reads this blog so I can say "Thank You" and may God bless you for your kindness and generosity. It warms my heart to think of what a great community I was raised in, and the experiences of growing up in such a community have followed me always.


Anonymous said...

Jim, this is Barbara's Uncle Bill. Just want to let you know that I've been reading your comments a couple of times a week just to keep track of how your're doing. It sounds as though your current Chemo is having far less side effects than the prior one. Even tho we're 750 miles away in Illinois, we're still very much rooting for you!!!

Barbara Albert said...

Dear Uncle Bill and Aunt Karen:
It is so wonderful hearing from you again. We are constantly thinking of the both of you and hope you are of course doing well also.
Thank you for all the support for Jim and it seems that things just continue to improve.
Thank You
Jim and Barb-B-Q