Saturday, August 23, 2008

Recovering From Chemo Friday

As I've been moving through Friday after Friday after Friday of chemo I've noticed that I feel my worst every week in the 24-hours just after chemo. It wears me out.

Typically come Mondays I'm feeling "normal" again, and getting on with the business of life.

It's becoming predictable, which is appreciated. It's chemo, then fatique, then a rough stomach and digestion into the next day, then working back to normal again by sometime Saturday.

Yesterday did have some uniqueness though. Every now and again over the past 10-months or so I'll have a couple hours on some random day where my brain seems to go whacky. My thinking process is the same (which some have called whacky anyway). But my eyes kind of go loopy, speaking becomes difficult for me, and it feels like I have a giant knot in my head. Yesterday was one of those days, for about two-hours between blood work and chemo.

MRI's of the brain have shown nothing but residual scarring from the radiation. So the doctors really don't know why I feel this way and kind of shrug their shoulders. All I can figure out is that it is somehow, in someway, connected to the whole brain radiation I endured. I have heard that radiation does have long-term, unpredictable results.

But it goes away as fast as it arrives, and after a couple hours of relaxing I'm back to "normal" again. It is very random, and does not occur very often, maybe twice a month.

After a good night's sleep I'm starting to pull it back together this morning as we get ourselves ready for Brianna's fourth birthday party. It looks like it's going to be ideal bocce' ball weather, so fine tune your lawn bowling arm Alyssa, we'll be ready for 'ya!

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