Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here We Go

Almost every day I get an e-mail about how Barack Obama or John McCain is the worst choice for President, and either or will probably end life on earth as we know it. These are mass e-mails that are forwarded to thousands upon thousands of people.

For some reason we all seem to feel that we HAVE to attach ourselves to one candidate or another. We HAVE to. It blows my mind. We develop such strong feelings that one is the answer and the other is the worst thing possible for us.

I witness people fight, argue, develop hard feelings for one another.

Think about that.

I'd like to share something with you - they're both the same.

Both are millionaires. You can't get to Washington without being one. Both are completely out-of-touch with you and with I and with our lives and the struggles we face.

Chris Matthews grilled Obama's campaign manager this week on Hardball and asked him simply to name one legislative accomplishment that Obama has championed. He stuttered. He shaked. He couldn't name one, not even one.

A reporter asked John McCain this past week how many houses he owned. He didn't know. He didn't know how many homes he owned?

Think about it.

What is one of these men going to offer you that is that significant over the other one? Nothing.

Not to mention that our President is kind of like the Queen of England, a figure head without any real powers.

Sure, our President can declare war on anyone anywhere. That's pretty powerful. But everything else has to go through Congress. That is where all the power is, in Congress, the guys and gals that take two-months of vacation at a time. The same place our Presidential candidates came from.

Congress, the place where we find sex scandals, pork-barrel politics, corruption, votes for hire by corporate lobbyists. It's business as usual in Washington and you either learn to play the game or the powers that be will make your term a miserable one.

Ugh. It makes my stomach upset.

By definition, this country is not yet a Democracy but a Republic. We vote for people to represent our interests. It is not one man, one woman, one vote. Maybe someday.

But in someways it is a Democracy because public opinion is still powerful, waning, but still strong. I doubt it will make much of a difference to your life whether Obama or McCain ends up as our next country's leader. But if we speak our minds on the issues that really mean something to us and to our lives, possibly, maybe, it will.

For me? My philosophy is simple, just don't let either party stay in power for more than two terms. Mr. Bush, a Republican, has reigned for the past eight-years, time for a switch to the Democrats. If a Democrat had been in office the past two terms I'd be pulling for a Republican. It's the closest thing I have to Democracy, just keep it switching up. And that is what we have chosen to do since at least World War II.

I don't believe in a majority of the millionaires we choose to represent us. But I do believe in our collective whole, the will of us all together, true Democracy.

Peace, love and happiness - may God bless us all.

OK, I'll step off this pulpit I built for myself now.

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