Saturday, December 1, 2007

Somewhat of a Disappointment....

I went to our local elementary school in hopes to find a craft fair this morning and what I found was more like a home business fair. This was not exactly what I had planned. Some of things were of the typical such as Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, etc., but then there were others that just did not strike me as interesting. After all, that was not the reason I had gone there after-all.

This is the time of the year when I personally would think that these types of things would be easy to find, but maybe not. I was actually looking forward to maybe some Christmas gift ideas and possibly decorations. I think I will continue to do something as Jim would call criss-cross (actually cross-stitch) I don't know maybe that will be my money making plan???

I know that this has been a confusing blog, but that is what was on my mind.

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