Friday, November 30, 2007

All a Matter of Perspective

I was curious if anyone had time to listen to the story from Kevin Kling that I had posted yesterday? I really like this guy.

When Charlie and Alyssa came over for dinner last night I played it for them. Listening to the story again I seemed to notice even more how it translates so directly to my past year.

Events in your life can turn your perspectives upside down and all around. And like this storyteller I found new perspectives through traumas.

It's easy to get caught up in the details of the lives we create around us - jobs, the stock market, raking leaves. We can become so busy and focused on our needs that we forget about our blessings.

I've always kept in touch with my blessings. But, I too, of course, get caught up like everyone else in my daily needs.

I've always maintained an attitude that the best things in life are free - a sunrise or sunset, a child's smile, the love of family. But I'd also get caught up in the silliest details of work, which in the big picture are meaningless.

My trauma, like the storytellers, has opened my eyes and freshened my perspective, to see all the blessings in life, and to feel thankful for being able to experience them.


Anonymous said...

I listened to "Kevin Kling" last night and it was a good lesson. It is true you do get a different perspective on life after being seriously ill. Maybe that is the blessing in being sick, you realize how really precious life is even on the worst of days. The picture with you and Heather is wonderful. We need to laugh and smile. She is just the ticket! I read your blog faithfully just to know you are doing good and please know that I pray for you everyday that you will be stronger and feel better and ultimately cancer free.
Love from your Michigan friend,

Anonymous said...

People are put into our lives for a reason -- for good or bad they are there to leave a foot print on our lives and to make a difference. Hearing Kevin Kling came at just the right time as things so often do. So it is with our children. As a parent, it was my prayer every day that I could do what was right, moral and valuable and teach that to all my kids. After all it is the parents job to teach. However, the tables are now turned and it is you, Jimmy, who is teaching me and I am so thankful for the way you have given me wisdom and blessings that the world could never give me. Your faith and love just touches my very being and only makes my own faith stronger. To be sure, I would classify myself as a very materialistic person but I am finding out through you how very little things and stuff matter and how faith and prayer should never be a secondary thought but should be first and foremost with every breath you take as life is, indeed, extremely precious. Over the years, all our prayers change and Kevin Klings' message sure does drive that home to us. I will listen to it often. You and Karen and Doug have been such a blessing in our lives and we are extremely grateful. Add, Barb, Jamie and Heather and Cristy to that and I realize how full our lives really are. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving all together and there are never enough thank you's to God our provider for those kind of days. I am looking forward to Christmas even more, not for the commercial side of the celebration but rather to being together again, renewing our faith in church together and finally enjoying each other's company once more. You are truly a blessing. Love MOM

Jim Albert said...

Thanks guys! (smile)