Monday, December 17, 2007

Cardboard, Grout, Door Stops, and Getting Stronger

I hope everyone is waking up with electricity this morning. Apparently high winds overnight took down a few trees, and a few wires.

It's cold, and it's windy this morning in Marietta, as the last of the storm moves through Central Pennsylvania.

I really do think we should consider hibernation here in the northeast. When it gets near freezing and below, it's hard to get motivated to get up, get moving, and get out in the elements.

The five a.m. wake-up each day is much, much easier the rest of the year.

I'm going to stay busy with menial tasks around the house today. It helps me fight the fatique, and it gets be back, slowly, bit by bit, to more productivity in general.

Today I, again, have to dig myself out of being swamped by cardboard, piling up a little faster right now because of our work with Santa. I've vowed to stay on top of it.

I set some tumbled marble tile in the master bath on Saturday, and I'll look to grout that tile today.

I need to install a couple door stops. I hope to tinker with some antique hardware meant for our master bedroom main door.

It's another episode of This Old House here today (now if I could only get Norm to stop over and help out).

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