Saturday, December 15, 2007

Making it Last

Yes, it's true, I have been giving out Christmas gifts early. I just can't be patient and wait. The doctors say there is a kid inside me, and if they try to remove it I'll die.

Actually, I think I'm just trying to spread Christmas out across the entire month. I'm trying to make it last.

My sister is infamous for her enthusiasm. Typically when the gift giving starts she tears into it, opening gifts, distributing gifts, and it's suddenly over in five minutes. And I still have a bunch of gifts on my lap and at my feet because I was just watching other people, enjoying watching, soaking it in.

So I've been giving Barb a gift here, a gift there. It's to the point where she just starts laughing at my childlike enthusiasm for it. She tells me to be careful, and save something for Christmas Day.

We're heading out to watch Barb's niece play basketball this afternoon, before the winter storm moves in tonight.

I won't be giving any gifts today. I don't think so. Maybe. Well probably not.

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