Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The "R" Word

We visited the oncologist this morning. And he used the "R" word - remission.

Now personally I had already thought that I would not utter the "R" word until at least the new year, at the earliest. But that doesn't mean that I don't like to hear the doctor overseeing my cancer fight say the word "remission."

Quite frankly that caught me a little off guard.

But as the oncologist reasoned, the Nexavar chemo drug has shown that it is working. The cancer certainly doesn't seem to be in an aggressive mode. And as long as the MRI of the brain in October shows continued progress, to him this spelled remission.

Then he said it. I couldn't believe it. But, he said it. "Maybe this is on its way to being cured."

Cured? Stage IV Kidney Cancer is incurable, terminal. It's not a matter of if, but of when. And that is what I told him.

With these new drugs, who knows, the doctor responded.

I think he is a very positive doctor and I like his spirit, and follow the voice of his reasoning. But I'm still not going to say the "R" word until at least the new year. And as far as a cure - well WOOHOO! But then I'll be so happy I'll probably forget to look both ways before I cross the street and get hit by a bus.


Anonymous said...

Am I allowed to cry -- maybe just a little. Remission would certainly be the answer to many many prayers. When I graduated from high school, the motto we chose was "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, nothing will be impossible onto you". To an 18 year old, it probably seemed a little hokie but as I grew older, I found out that the mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds and yet it grows into a plant. I am sure every minister has given a sermon about this very mustard seed at one time or another. Yet, over and over, I have witnessed just how much faith has indeed moved mountains and how that little mustard seed's faith can grow into the largest of plants. From the very start, I felt that we had been led to just the right doctors to get you where you are today. I have faith in that little mustard seed and I hope I have passed that faith along to you and that you will nourish it into even more extreme growth. Now is the time to get down on your knees and thank God for all he has done for you through this illness and how he will need you to tell others of your faith. Lift up your eyes onto the hillls and your help will be there. Love to you both MOM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You ARE my hero and miracles do happen, science can only go so far and then God takes over, and when it's not your time it's not. You are staying here to show other people you are a survivor, and that cancer does not overcome every one that gets it. I believe you will be a miracle and have a story to tell others who are struggling and you will be their hope because you did it and you made it.

love alyssa