Monday, September 17, 2007

Brrrrrrrrrr, Where Did Summer Go?

I woke up Saturday morning, my usual time around 5 a.m. to take my first chemo dose of the day. Slipping out of the warmth of the covers I was greeted by bone chilling cold. Slipping down the stairs it was a good 5-degrees colder downstairs.

It was 41-degrees outside. Brrrrrrrrr. Didn't we just have the air conditioner on in the bedroom one night last week?

Summer slipped away on me this year for sure. It is kind of all a blur. The trees in the backyard have already begun dropping some leaves. Soon all the leaves will be changing color and falling. School has started. Football has taken over the television.

It should be a busy Fall. There's so much that I wanted to get done that I haven't been able to. It is a little frustrating. But I do have patience. Unfortunately a lot of my time this summer was spent on the most basic of things, showering, eating, resting. I've had to set meager goals.

And entering Fall I try to set the goal standard higher but still within reason. I try to line myself up with a simple project everyday. It keeps myself active, both body and mind. It can be the simplest little project. But it helps. And it's further steps in the right direction.

And it's a busy week this week. Today we're getting some special guests from Michigan, longtime friends of my Mom's. Afterwords I'll need to head off to the local lab to have more blood drawn for testing. Tuesday we'll need to run some errands in preparation for the big wedding this Saturday. Wednesday I have an appointment with my oncologist. Thursday I'll be working around the house on some of my little projects. And Friday is rehearsal dinner night at the church in Red Lion.

Saturday, the wedding, will be a very long day for me, and a bit of a test. It will be by far the longest amount of time I will have tried to stay active in public. Sunday may necessitate a bit of extra sleep.

Have a great week everyone!

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