Monday, November 26, 2007

Not So Nice Weather

Rain, Rain Go Away, Come Back Again Some Other Day.....

This messes up the plans that you end up having for raking any leaves and preparing them for pick up on Wednesday. Jim and I always share the responsibility of raking on Monday's and bagging on Tuesday's, but it's not going to happen today. I just don't want to see the leaves lay around for an extensive period of time that they rot.

On the other hand, I wish luck to my daughter today in one of her permanent license test for the salon that she works at. I can't imagine with all the hard work that she has put into it, that she won't do well.

I certainly hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I had the pleasure of seeing both my family and my husband's family including his Aunt from Florida. Everyone had a very memorable time.

All of you take care until another day.

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