Saturday, November 10, 2007

More Random Notes

Welcome to the weekend, and just a few quick random notes.

Barb got out with the girls Thursday to do a little shopping. The trip was a success and Barb returned with a few bags, even more smiles, and lots of leftover energy. Thanks Susan and Alyssa for getting her out a bit. It must be tough to be locked up with me all the time! But she's such a trooper, with such an awesome spirit.

Barb's smiles quickly turned this morning when Freckles decided to stalk, then pounce, then dig into her ankle. He likes us. Really he does. This is undoubtedly his unacceptable form of playing sometimes. The cat is now in the dog house. I wouldn't let anyone scratch Freckles wide open, and I won't let him get away with doing it to someone else.

The rasta dredlocks Freckles has been sporting have really begun to fall off now. We'll be walking through the house and suddenly discover what looks exactly like lucky rabbits' feet.

I'm keeping busy with household things. The two remaining air conditioning units upstairs finally made it to their winter home in the basement. I'm working on the computer as well. The busier I keep myself the more energy I seem to have. About once a week the fatique will strike me in the middle of the day, and then I'm bound for a two-hour nap to bring the energy back around.

There's some good English soccer on TV later today. So I'm off to get the electric window candles from the basement and begin installing them on all the windows. As long as I'm free for the soccer game around noon. It's important to have priorities! lol

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