Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Chasing a Wild Pig Running Loose

Taking my chemotherapy drug is a bit like letting a wild pig loose in our house. The wild pig tears through the house destroying almost everything in its path. But it can't destroy the house itself.

And you don't know which direction the pig is heading, to the kitchen maybe, over to the office, the family room, up the stairs?

Each morning at 5 a.m. I grab two Nexavar tablets, cringe just a little, pop the pills in my mouth, and swallow, letting the wild pig loose in my body. I'll sit down and continue to wake up with a glass of ice water and wait to find out what the chemo has in store for me today.

Some days the chemo will create fatique, at any moment. Like a child falling asleep in his oatmeal, suddenly I can be gripped with fatique and desperately need a nap.

Some days the chemo will create digestive problems, at any moment. I try to chase around the digestive problems with medications and well-timed eating. It's tough though chasing that wild pig around.

Some days the chemo seems to just make me feel sore, somewhere, somehow.

But as long as the chemo continues to allow me to wake up everyday and hug my wife . . . bring on the side effects. I'll deal with them.

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