Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Starting Off With A Walk

This morning Jim and I chose to go for a nice walk in the neighborhood. I always enjoy it the most in the morning during quiet time. Upon returning he's making himself a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches. I certainly hope that things continue to improve the way that they have been, with his appetite.

Jim and I went to my daughters new home yesterday and I know we both enjoyed the visit. My daughter and her fiance' always come over just about every Friday evening so I always look forward to that visit. It's hard to believe the wedding is as close as it already is. Things seem to be falling into place as time passes. I certainly continue to anticipate being teary eyed when that day arrives, because I don't where the time goes, I only recall a short time ago when she seemed to still be an infant. Alyssa and Charlie must always know that I will always be there for the both of them.

My daughters birthday is this coming weekend, once again, WHERE DOES THE TIME GO!!!

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