Friday, August 17, 2007

A Regular Customer

It's been pretty rare that I have a week without a doctor's appointment. I'm a regular customer. At the local hospital lab I just wave hello when I walk in and immediately get directed to the back where they draw blood. I'm looking forward to not being such a regular customer.

Today I meet with a new oncologist. We learned that our current oncologist just went through a kidney transplant. It was a reminder how much how many are dealing with health issues all around us. Often times I never hesitated to consider what so many around me might be going through. But something like cancer does open your eyes to so many things, and make you more sensitive. I would say I approach almost everyone now thinking that there is something difficult in their lives that they are dealing with, a philosophy I would not have had before.

The main purpose of today's visit is to follow-up on my nutritional challenges. I'm anxious for the obligatory weigh-in today to see exactly where my weight is. I've been doing better. But all of this has been such a slow process. I believe my challenges with eating are beginning to get better. But it's slow. It's slow.

Recently a friend who went through their own radiation treatments and strongly recovered shared with me the challenges he had with eating after radiation and beyond. It was so reassuring to hear some of the subtle things he noted that I am also experiencing...but which seem crazy to many.

For instance, I reached a stretch where thoughts or sights or smells of food would make me nauseous. I would see a food commercial on TV and it would instantly turn my stomach. (I never realized how many food commercials there are on TV!) Barb would have a pizza delivered to the house and the smell would turn me right away.

A big part of the reason why I feel I'm on the upswing is the fact that I have gotten over some of these feelings. My tolerance for food, thoughts, sights, or smells, and in general, has gotten much better.

I did think that next week would be one of those rare celebratory weeks without a doctor's appointment. But yesterday a small piece of a molar just fell off (shaking head) so now it's at least off to the dentist next week!

Hey...I don't want these doctors to forget about me huh?

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