Monday, November 23, 2009

So Thankful

It's so difficult in this day and age when everyone is so constantly busy to get the whole family together. Yesterday we were able to join Barb's family at Jay and Debbie's (her sister and brother-in-law) house to celebrate an early Thanksgiving.

It was great - great family, great friends, great food. I feel very thankful.

We even had a couple screaming kids, one of which colored me a picture from a "Thomas the Train" coloring book. lol

Besides having mashed potatoes, filling and gravy all on the same plate at once, I think my favorite moment was watching Barb's Dad chase the kids around the house. They all had such big smiles! And yes, that does include Barb's Dad Bill.

Barb and I owe a big thank you to Alyssa and Charlie for coming all the way over here to pick us up, and for also returning us home. I feel like I keep getting stronger, but it can be very unpredictable for me at times. I always wondered how an infant could fall asleep right in the middle of eating. Now I understand.

A big thank you to Debbie and Jay for hosting all of this and putting up with all of us.

We left with warm bellies, and warm hearts. Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember what I said about continuous "thank you's".... lol
We'll be there to help anytime!

<3 Alyssa