Thursday, June 5, 2008

Waiting for Word

I went for my CT scan yesterday of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. The scan was around noon time yesterday. We received no afternoon call from the doctor, which is a good sign. The earlier they contact you, typically the worse the news.

My primary doctor ordered the scan. I'm guessing he wants to discuss the results with my oncologist, probably before he discusses the results with me. And yesterday is my oncologist's typical day off. So I expect to hear results sometime during the day today, probably after the two doctors discuss the results.

The scan went quick. The technician didn't mess around. She did take some extra shots in the upper chest (expected due to the nodule in the upper lobe of my left lung) and some extra shots through my mid-section (expected due to a cyst in my left kidney).

The only kink in the day was my stop at the Burger King drive-through.

To prepare for a CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis, you must not eat for four-hours before the scan, and can have nothing but clear liquids (water). Also, you must drink two bottles of CT prep, which is a milky, chalky, shake-like, chemical mixture. It came with a bendy straw!

By the time the scan was over I was starving and my tummy was begging for food. Burger King happens to be on the way home from the medical center in Columbia so I breezed through the drive-through and got myself a whopper with cheese and onion rings.

Man that whopper hit the spot. But the second I finished it, right when I took my last bite, my stomach went into an uproar. The whopper and the CT prep drink did not get along. They did not get along at all.

All day my stomach tossed and turned and tumbled and growled, worst I can ever remember. But I should remember better, because I do this to myself everytime I have a scan. This was just the worst result I remember.

Today everything is settled back down and back to "normal."

We'll wait for word from the doctor today and stay busy around the house.

My parents are off on their trip to Michigan and I hope they have a safe and relaxing trip.

Barb's busy spying on a cat and her four kittens who have sought shelter under our neighbors back porch - the simple amazing feats of nature.

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