Barb in her new Jackie O. shades
It's chemo day. Every Friday I'll be hooked up to the IV at the cancer center at Lancaster General Hospital's Health Campus.
First they drip a bag of Benadryl into me to offset possible "infusion reactions." Then they drip a bag of saline solution into me. And finally the big bag of Torisel comes out and that drips into me for 45-minutes.
One thing I noticed last Friday was that I was the youngest person in the room. No one else was younger, or really even close to my age range.
It's great that Barb is allowed in the chemo room with me. Last Friday we spent the time doing crossword puzzles. We do get the easy puzzles because it makes us feel smart. lol
Today I might take some work with me. I have a web site proposal due by next Friday. I need to sketch out a gameplan for the site.
But the Benadryl has a strong tendency to make a person sleepy. It certainly did last week. So...we'll see how it goes.
Next to me last week was an older lady who was hooked up to a bag of chemo that was five times larger than mine. She was sound asleep from the time we got there to the time we left. I imagine that the big bag she was hooked up to took hours and hours to empty.
The chemo room, I now know, is also very cold. So this time I'll be prepared and dress for the arctic temperatures.
We'll see what round two of the Torisel has in store for me, as far as side-effects. So far the Torisel has been much gentler on me than the Nexavar. But then the Nexavar had cumulative, changing effects as time went on. And I imagine the Torisel will be the same.
Eventually I might check to see if I can get a wireless connection at the hospital and maybe take the laptop with me. I'm not the greatest at sitting still without at least some type of mild entertainment.
I'll let 'ya all know how I'm feeling tomorrow. Thanks for all the continued support, prayers, and well-wishes. It keeps me fighting, and fight I will.
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