Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Break in the Heat

Freckles is happy. So we're all happy.

The brutal heat of the past few days finally broke last night with some good rumbling thunderstorms. It got so dark around dinner time last night I thought I was Dorothy. I guess that would make Freckles Toto. Barb as Auntie Em?

Going to take Barb out for her driver's permit test this morning. I know she'll pass it. I know she'll be a good driver. Still I worry about her all the same. Those roads can be crazy.

I made an appointment with my primary doctor for tomorrow. Today I'll print out all the information I can find on potential surgical and potential radiation procedures today and take it to him for a head start. I believe there are four options out there that could work for me, all with pluses and minuses.

Otherwise, life goes on. I REALLY need to get back into the exercise routine. The more I have thought about my current situation, the more I realize that there really are no options but just get up and keep on living. I've known two kidney cancer patients now that have passed away. And in both cases the disease just tore their bodies down slowly until one was in a wheelchair most of the time and the other couldn't get out of a chair without help. So I take that as a sign to keep living, to keep active, to get back to exercising. And that's what I'll do my very best to do.

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